Mr. Santosh B. Adhikari
About Horizon Global EDU
Namaste everyone!
You are welcome to Horizon Global website.
Every year we have gained reputation, appreciation and note of thanks. It is the reward against our quality services to our clients. Since inception of Horizon Global our entire mission was to create the numbers of happy clients. It was not possible at Horizon Global Education consultancy without our dedicated, updated, professional and ethical services to our clients by qualified, trained and informed counselors.
The trend of studying abroad for higher education is ever increasing and Horizon Global is able to offer a wide selection of quality institutions in Australia, USA, New Zealand and many European Countries. With many years of experience in the field, we have come across many disappointed students who have been ill advised and ill matched with the courses. To fulfill their dreams, students have turned to Possible for professional services seeking for Education guidance and assistance with visa issues. We have helped them and made them happy so their referral is making us happier now.
So, why delay? More thinking might cause delay and an opportunity never knocks at the door twice! Your few minutes of action will drop you at a land of opportunities all safe and sound immediately!
Best Wishes!
Santosh Bahadur Adhikari
Chairman /Founder
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Call us today and ask anything related to abroad study process.